Wednesday, July 6, 2011


LIFE: DON’T HOPE,…DECIDE: "While waiting to pick up a friend at the airport in Portland, Oregon, I had one of those life-changing experiences that you hear other peopl..."

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

LIFE: Give time to our family

LIFE: Give time to our family: "After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other ..."

LIFE: Give time to our family

LIFE: Give time to our family: "After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other ..."

LIFE: Give time to our family

LIFE: Give time to our family: "After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other ..."


LIFE: HELPLESS LOVE: "Once upon a time all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island for a vacation. According to their nature, each was having a good time. ..."

news/politics: 'My father made me marry a man I don't love'

news/politics: 'My father made me marry a man I don't love': "Olachi was the apple of her father's eye. Being the first and only girl amongst four boys, her father, Sir Louis Ukaegbu, never hid this fa..."

Why should i get mary: Cheating

Why should i get mary: Cheating: "If a married man cheats, he’s the scum of the earth. He is a selfish jerk that has jeopardised the family unit, done his ‘thinking w..."

Why should i get mary: Why Modern, Western Marriage Has Become A Bad Busi...

Why should i get mary: Why Modern, Western Marriage Has Become A Bad Busi...: "This writing seeks to educate men about the realities of what they may be getting into when they marry a Western Woman. An informed decisio..."

Everything: TUESDAY CANDIDS: Tyrese And Daughter Shayla Hit Th...

Everything: TUESDAY CANDIDS: Tyrese And Daughter Shayla Hit Th...: "Jul 05 Transformers 3 star Tyrese Gibson was spotted on the beach with his adorable daughter Shayla yesterday. See the pics inside and f..."

Why should i get mary: Why Modern, Western Marriage Has Become A Bad Busi...

Why should i get mary: Why Modern, Western Marriage Has Become A Bad Busi...: "This writing seeks to educate men about the realities of what they may be getting into when they marry a Western Woman. An informed decisio..."

news/politics: Man dies during sex romp with lover

news/politics: Man dies during sex romp with lover: " A man whose age was put between 55 and 60 years died in an hotel room at Aremo area in Ibadan, Oyo State where he had gone to have sex wi..."

Monday, July 4, 2011

news/politics: Fox News Twitter feed says Obama dead in apparent ...

news/politics: Fox News Twitter feed says Obama dead in apparent ...

Why should i get mary: Not tonight dear, we're married: Trying the knot ...

Why should i get mary: Not tonight dear, we're married: Trying the knot ...: "Sexual tension: A third polled no longer fancy their partner as much as they did in the early days, with 43 per cent claiming their loved ..."

LIFE: The Young Married Life of Bad Health

LIFE: The Young Married Life of Bad Health: "My friend his recently married, he weighed at the time 290 Lbs and now 8 months later he weighed 308. His wife was 250 9 months ago and now..."


LIFE: CHILD PROSTITUTION IN AFRICA - LOME, TOGO, WEST AF...: "LOME, TOGO. In downtown Lome there is an area known locally as 'The Child Market,' where girls as young as nine are offered for sex, sometim..."

Why should i get mary: Marriage can mean career slavery

Why should i get mary: Marriage can mean career slavery

Children and Divorce: Children and Divorce: Men need to stop and ask themselves

Children and Divorce: Children and Divorce: Men need to stop and ask themselves

Everything: SPOTTED: "Basketball Wife" Jennifer Williams Bring...

Everything: SPOTTED: "Basketball Wife" Jennifer Williams Bring...: "Jul 04 Soon-to-be-divorced 'Basketball Wife' Jennifer Williams has officially moved on. was on hand in the New Orleans Superd..."




INSPIRATIONS STORY: TRUE LOVE STORY: "One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love. But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy. So the youn..."


INSPIRATIONS STORY: TRUE LOVE STORY: "One day, a young guy and a young girl fell in love. But the guy came from a poor family. The girl’s parents weren’t too happy. So the youn..."

blogger: Titles are Everything

blogger: Titles are Everything: "After slaving away on your latest blog post pause before you hit that ‘publish’ button and consider your title. What does it convey to your ..."

Titles are Everything

After slaving away on your latest blog post pause before you hit that ‘publish’ button and consider your title. What does it convey to your potential reader? Titles can be the difference between having your post read or ignored. Of course there are No Rules that will guarantee your post to get noticed, but you might want to consider some of the following.
Simplify – Studies show that blog readers prefer straightforward, short and simple titles to cute or cryptic ones.
Communicate – In a word or three tell your reader what the post is about in your title. Most people will not take the time to read something unless they know what it is about first.
Key Words – Try to incorporate words in your title that are likely to be searched for by readers in search engines. Get into their shoes — what search term would you use if you were wanting information on this topic? If you’re writing about Britney Spears – put her in your title and you’ll increase its ranking in the engines.
Grab Attention – A good title draws your readers into your post. Your post is likely to be one of many on the same topic. Your title is an opportunity to distinguish it from others like it. Imagine yourself searching for articles on a search engine or news aggregator — what would make you click your link? Intrigue your reader, draw them into your post, make them want to read more!
Of course Titles are NOT Everything you still need to post something worthwhile under them. But a title is not just the start of your post, it is an invitation for people to engage with your ideas. Put some effort into developing it and you’ll find people take that all important step into your virtual space.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

LIFE: Sarah Baartman: Sad Story of Exploited African Woman

LIFE: Sarah Baartman: Sad Story of Exploited African Woman

Ten Tips for writing a blog post

Here are ten tips that help me with my blog writing.
  1. Make your opinion known
  2. Link like crazy
  3. Write less
  4. 250 Words is enough
  5. Make Headlines snappy
  6. Write with passion
  7. Include Bullet point lists
  8. Edit your post
  9. Make your posts easy to scan
  10. Be consistent with your style
  11. Litter the post with keywords
1. Make your opinion known
People like blogs, they like blogs because they are written by people and not corporations. People want to know what people think, crazy as it sounds they want to know what you think. Tell them exactly what you think using the least amount of words possible.

2. Link like crazy.
Support your post with links to other web pages that are contextual to your post.
3. Write Less
Give the maximum amount of information with the least amount of words. Time is finite and people are infinitely busy. Blast your knowledge into the reader at the speed of sound.
4. 250 is enough
A long post is easier to forget and harder to get into. A short post is the opposite.
5. Make Headlines snappy
Contain your whole argument in your headline. Check out National newspapers to see how they do it.
6. Include bullet point lists
We all love lists, it structures the info in an easily digestible format.
7. Make your posts easy to scan
Every few paragraphs insert a sub heading. Make sentences and headlines short and to the point.
8. Be consistent with your style
People like to know what to expect, once you have settled on a style for your audience stick to it.
9. Litter the post with Keywords.
Think about what keywords people would use to search for your post and include them in the body text and headers. make sure the keyword placement is natural and does not seem out of place.
10. Edit your post
Good writing is in the editing. Before you hit the submit button, re-read your post and cut out the stuff that you don’t need.
I hope you enjoyed my tips for writing a blog post – feel free to share your own blog writing tips below